To get the bot just type: /invite SuppaDupaFly #chan |
Max channels is 20 sorry for that, but I don't got IRCop status (like L and Q bot) |
The bot is idling at #m00fish
The Command on IRC |
A little description about the Command
Hey SuppaDupaFly |
The bot say hey back.
what a joke |
Load a random joke from a file with a lot of "jokes". no answer but a joke the question is fun in its self.
a real joke |
Load a random joke from a file with a lot of real jokes we all know.
gime quote |
Everybody knows it, type a wrong thing and get humiliated. this command paste them on IRC.
!quotecount |
Shows the number of quotes added to the database (the above command to view a quote)
fish fish |
Like fishing
nn SuppaDupaFly |
night night
what's up |
whats up doc ?
tudekiks |
want a cookie ?
akkemam? |
If you know gramsespektrum you'll love this one :D
SuppaDupaFly sing bananaphone |
BananaPhone vs. Badger Badger
BananaPhone the Aftermath
sexy |
Do SuppaDupaFly make sound?
SuppaDupaFly go sucky sucky X dollah mode |
SuppaDupaFly go sucky sucky mode?
( X = a number )
SuppaDupaFly didnt you see i was inhere my friend |
Do SuppaDupaFly remember you?
SuppaDupaFly Gods birthday is when? |
Birthday's of the |m00fish| crew
SuppaDupaFly idlers |
Stats for idlers on the channels SuppaDupaFly are on
SuppaDupaFly modes |
Stats for modes on the channels SuppaDupaFly are on
I love you SuppaDupaFly |
you love the bot ?
Where are we? |
Where are the bot living ?
!ChanModes |
Avaible channel modes and their command
!voice nick |
give voice to a person
!devoice nick |
takes voice from a person
!op nick |
give op to a person
!deop nick |
takes op from a person
!kick nick kick_msg |
kick a person with a msg
!ban nick/host |
Give the nick/host +b in the current channel
!unban nick/host |
remove the +b from then chan if it exsist
!kickban nick kick_msg |
Give the nick/host +b in the current channel, and kick the person with a msg
!topic |
Shows the topic
!key |
Shows the channel key, if +k
!savetopic Topic here |
Save the topic at the current channel (you need op to use the command)
!seeloadtopic |
See the saved topic for the channel (you need op to use the command)
!loadtopic |
Sets the topic that where saved last time (you need op to use the command)
!settopic |
Set the Topic to whatever you type after !settopic (this do not load or save but only set the topic)
!time |
Shows the current date, day and time (date/month/year/day/time)
!thetime |
Shows the current date, day and time (dd-mm-yyyy-day-time)
!birth |
Want to know the days until your next birthday?
Eksample: !birth 24-12
!myage |
If you are confused and don't know how old you are use this (can also be used to see others age :P)
Eksample: !myage 03-12-86
!Spank |
Spank someone
Eksample 1: !spank <NICK>
Eksample 2: !spank <NICK> ya mama
!ascii |
Eksample 1: !ascii 4
Eksample 2: !ascii €
Eksample 3: !ascii /
This returns the ascii number
!chr |
Eksample 1: !chr 36
Eksample 2: !chr 575
Eksample 3: !chr 4576575
This returns the character of the ascii number
!encode |
Eksample 1: !encode hey there
Eksample 2: !encode you suck
Eksample 3: !encode what now?
encode something other can't read (can be anything)
!decode |
Eksample 1: !decode ):&5Y('1H97)E````
Eksample 2: !decode (>6]U('-U8VL`
Eksample 3: !decode >>6]U(&IU<W0@9V]T(#!W;F5D(&)Y(%-P:7)>(#I0````
decode something encoded and see what the encoded is
!calc |
Eksample 1: !calc 2+4-3*9/5
Eksample 2: !calc 8*(3+4)+57
Eksample 3: !calc ( 12^3 + 45^3 ) / ( 12^3 + 45^2 )
A little Calculator + - * / ) ( ^ (Dashes dont matter)
!eq |
Eksample 1: !eq 5+2 = 2+5
Eksample 2: !eq 6+8*(2+3) = (6+8)/(5+3)
Eksample 3: !eq 5^3 = 5*25+4^2
A Calculater with Equal + - * / ) ( ^ (only dashes before and behind the = )
!vote <TIME> <TOPIC> |
Eksample: !vote 60 Is this a lame channel?
Makes a vote for the channel all can vote for.
use !yes or !no to give your vote. the time is in seconds and min 30 sek, and max 300 seconds.
There are only one channel alowed to vote at the same time to avoid spam, and only works in channels not Color muted!
SuppaDupaFly hop |
SuppaDupaFly jumps
SuppaDupaFly part |
Tired of SuppaDupaFly then type this command
SuppaDupaFly your uptime? |
Show the uptime on the Computer the bot runs at
!status |
Currently Channels and free channels, easy to see if the bot can join some new channels.
SuppaDupaFly your stats? |
Online stats for the bots channel and modes on the channel
SuppaDupaFly who are you? |
Show the Info about the bot