
Skriv i Consolen

GOD - god mode (don't use it too long,cuz it'll say "Jhon Doe has died of boredom!")
GIVE S - shotgun shells (replace ? w/ any # 255 or lower)
GIVE C - battery charge (replace ? w/ any # 255 or lower)
GIVE R - rockets (replace ? w/ any # 255 or lower)
GIVE N - nails (replace ? w/ any # 255 or lower)
GIVE H - health (replace ? w/ any # 999 or lower)
NOCLIP - allows ya 2 walk through walls
MAP E1M - warp to ? map (replace ? w/ #)
IMPULSE 255 - quad damage mode
NOTARGET - enemies don't see ya untill you shot at em
FLY - ya can fly (use D key for up, C key for down)
IMPULSE 11 - gives you the jewels (1 for every timeya use it- you'll only need to use it 4 times)
SV_GRAVITY - 50-reduces gravity(repalce w/ any #)

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